Newcastle Construction Safety Group
Formed in 1962, the Group has grown into the premier organisation for safety in the construction industry in the North East.
Affiliated to ROSPA and the British Safety Council, its objects are to:-
- Promote best practice in safety throughout the construction industry.
- Foster and develop the spirit of co-operation between all parties involved in all phases of the construction process.
- Fully communicate information on health, safety and the environment.
- Provide a forum for continuous professional development.
Meetings are held monthly (with the exception of the main summer holiday months) at which invited speakers address members on current matters of interest. Members may also seek advice on any particular problem. For reference, a register is maintained with details of individual experience and expertise.
Membership is open to employers in all branches of construction and to any other associated organisation on payment of a nominal annual subscription. The Principal Construction Inspector is an honorary member.
From January to November each year the Group holds nine monthly Meetings, one of which is the AGM. The Programme of Speakers for the ensuing is agreed at the AGM and subsequently circulated to Members in March together with an invoice for Annual Subscription, £80.00 VAT Exempt.